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Infecting the Herd

 As I drive into the office, one thought is foremost ....... what mood will he be in today?

If he is happy and upbeat, great! I will know this as soon as I walk in the front door.

I can feel it in the air.

I can see it in the team, from our receptionist to the marketing team, to sales and finance.

Every department I walk through as I make my way to my office. Today there is a buzz. Confident eye contact and open smiles and "hellos' from the rest of the team. Conversations and laughter.

All is good!

But if he is in a bad mood, it is obvious.

Heads down, little or no eye contact, a quick hello, a knowing look from a colleague.

It takes me less than three seconds to feel the vibe.

Today, luckily, he is in a good mood. We can all breathe.

No yelling.

No long silences - which are even worse than the yelling.

No one having to be careful with what we all say and do.

The leader sets the tone.

Their mood infects the entire office, positive or negative.

The term coined by Daniel Goleman in Emotional Intelligence is most apt - emotional contagion. There has been significant research into the areas in recent years. It is true. The science supports it.

Emotions are contagious.

What is your mood today?

You have a choice.

Your team doesn't.

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